Survivor September! Sugar Bee Bling Paparazzi Team Challenge

If you're looking for a fun challenge for your team, Survivor September could be it!  You can tweak these to fit the needs of your team - I wanted to make sure that everyone could complete the tasks, but if you have high-performing teammates you can make the challenges more intense.

Basically everyone has to agree if they want to participate BEFORE they see what the challenges will be.  That creates your list of "who's on the island". Then there is a challenge for each week.  If they don't complete the challenge, they are "off the island" and a list is posted each week.  If they complete the challenge, they move onto the next week.  Each week the group still in the challenge gets smaller.  Whomever completes the last week of the challenge AND the monthly challenge will get a prize. 

When they reported each week, I tracked it on a spreadsheet to mark off that they completed the individual tasks for that week.

Here is the wording I used in my posts:

Here we go!!! - ACTION REQUIRED
Are you up for it?! EEEK!!!
Here are the details:
--you will commit to participate and I'll gather a list of everyone who is in for the challenge
--there will be a weekly challenge each week in September, posted on Sundays, must be completed by Saturday night
--each week you will report back to let me know if you completed the challenge
--if you did not complete the challenge for the week, you will be "off the island"
--on Mondays I will post a list of those still on the island and those who didn't make it that week
--there will also be a monthly challenge, things to complete anytime throughout the month
--the challenges will be for everyone, whether you've been in Paparazzi for 5 days or 5 years
--challenge starts on (date) and goes through (date). 4 weeks. They WILL push you. And you can do it!!
--ALL who survive the whole month will get (determine your prize)

Are you in??
--->If you are Ready to Take the Challenge:
-comment here (or email me at email) that you are IN for the September Survivor Challenge by (date)


Here we go!! Read the whole post 😉
--these challenges WILL push you! they are broad challenges, you will use your past training and skills to figure out how to accomplish them, you've got this!
--to win Survivor, you must complete all 4 weekly list of challenges each week and the list of monthly challenges by (end of month date)

WEEK 1 Challenges:

-Give away 2 pieces of jewelry to people you don't know (1 piece each). This must be in person. Look for someone who might need their day brightened or someone who is serving the community that you can thank. Write about one of the experiences you have on your personal facebook page. Screenshot the post and email it to me to report as complete.
-Call 3 people (or in person) and talk to them about Paparazzi. It can be teammates under you or customers or someone you think might be great at Paparazzi. Conversation must be at least 3 minutes (voicemail messages don't count). Screenshot your phone log and email it to me to report as complete.
-Sell 25 pieces of jewelry. Screenshot your sales record (paypal or square or however you track things) and email it to me to report as complete.
Challenge starts now and email reports of complete must be sent by 11:59 EST on (end of week date)
Email reports to (email address)


--Work through every task in the Sales Unit in the team page. This is found under the "units" tab, Unit 2, "Diving Into Sales". There are 14 separate tasks to mark as complete, most are just reading the info and learning or watching a training video. You have the entire month to complete the Sales Unit. Screenshot progress bar of completed Diving into Sales Unit and email it to me to report as complete.
--Add 1 new team member. Sometime during September, add at least one new personally sponsored team member. Email me your new teammate's name to report as complete.
Monthly Challenge criteria must be completed by (date)

You've got this!

I know for some of you some of these tasks may seem daunting. These are doable. You can do it! Push hard and find ways to accomplish each task. This is Survivor. You can Survive - and THRIVE - in your business!!
(To start the next week, post the list of those that completed week 1)
It's WEEK 2!! SURVIVOR CHALLENGE, Read the whole post 📷 --Congrats to those still on the island - that list will be posted separately on Monday. If you're off the island, I would still strongly encourage you to work your way through the weekly challenges anyways. 


-Give away 3 pieces of jewelry to people you don't know (1 piece each). This must be to someone in person. (Leaving it for delivery persons works!) Look for someone who might need their day brightened or someone who is serving the community that you can thank. Write about one of the experiences you have on your personal facebook page. Screenshot the post and email it to me to report as complete.
-Text or Direct Message 7 people (or in person) and talk to them about Paparazzi. It can be teammates under you or customers or someone you think might be great at Paparazzi. Touch base, see how they're doing, let them know how you are and how Paparazzi has helped you in these weird times, etc. Needs to be 7 DIFFERENT people than last week. Email me a list of the 7 people that you messaged.
-Watch the FAB Sharing Training. This training is about how to be better about Sharing the Opportunity of Paparazzi. I know it's a bit long, but it's worth it - making time for personal development and training is a key to success.
(insert link to this or another training about Sharing the Opportunity)
On this post 3 take away ideas that stuck out to you as you watched.
-Host a Live Opportunity Night. This must be done sometime AFTER you watched the training mentioned above so you can implement some of those ideas. You can talk about why you started Paparazzi, how you work your business, what you have gained from Paparazzi, etc. This needs to be on your personal timeline - you can either go live on your personal timeline or you can go live on a business page and share it to your personal timeline. Must be at least 20 minutes long. Screenshot your live and email it to me to report back.
Challenge starts now and email reports of complete must be sent by 11:59 EST on (date). Email reports to (email)


--Work through every task in the Sales Unit in the team page. This is found under the "units" tab, Unit 2, "Diving Into Sales". There are 14 separate tasks to mark as complete, most are just reading the info and learning or watching a training video. You have the entire month to complete the Sales Unit. Screenshot progress bar of completed Diving into Sales Unit and email it to me to report as complete.
--Add 1 new team member. Sometime during September, add at least one new personally sponsored team member. Email me your new teammate's name to report as complete.
Monthly Challenge criteria must be completed by (date)

It's WEEK 3!! And the SURVIVOR CHALLENGE is getting tough!! Read the whole post 📷 -- (Again, congrats to those still on the island - that list will be posted separately on Monday. If you're off the island, I would still strongly encourage you to work your way through the weekly challenges). 

-Go For 10 Nos. Get 10 "No"s when asking someone about joining Paparazzi. You can follow up with anyone who you have messaged earlier this month. "I'll think about it" or "ask me next month" don't count as a "No." Watch The Winner's Circle challenge for this week for more info (their challenge is for 35 Nos, but we're doing 10)
Send me your list of 10 Nos .

-Sell 50 pieces of $5 jewelry (or equivalent). Screenshot your sales record (paypal or square or however you track things) and email it to me to report as complete.
As you aim for success in your business, Bronze Life of the Party is the first big goal to achieve. Bronze Life of the Party breaks down to about 50 pieces a week.

For some of you, this will be a beat-your-best type of sales week where you'll have to really stretch - that's what challenges are all about 😉 Aim high, push hard, and you'll reach new heights.

Challenge starts now and email reports of complete must be sent by 11:59 EST on Saturday night, (date). Email reports to (email)

--Work through every task in the Sales Unit in the team page. This is found under the "units" tab, Unit 2, "Diving Into Sales". There are 14 separate tasks to mark as complete, most are just reading the info and learning or watching a training video. You have the entire month to complete the Sales Unit. Screenshot progress bar of completed Diving into Sales Unit and email it to me to report as complete.
--Add 1 new team member. Sometime during September, add at least one new personally sponsored team member. Email me your new teammate's name to report as complete.
Monthly Challenge criteria must be completed by (date)

I know for some of you some of these tasks may seem daunting. These are doable. You can do it! Push hard and find ways to accomplish each task. This is Survivor. You can Survive - and THRIVE - in your business!!



Here we go, rounding out the month with WEEK 4!! Read the whole post 📷 -- (Again, congrats to those still on the island - that list will be posted separately on Monday. If you're off the island, I would still strongly encourage you to work your way through the weekly challenges). 
-->Be Active for the month of September. Active means that you have purchased at least 25 pieces (50pv) from your back office. (Hopefully all of you have already done this, so this will be an easy one to check off for you!)
-->Sell 50 pieces of $5 jewelry (or equivalent). Screenshot your sales record (paypal or square or however you track things) and email it to me to report as complete.
For some of you, this was a big stretch for you last week - that's what challenges are all about, and you did it!!
Now part of those big stretches are to maintain, to not only rise to that higher level but also aim to stay there, to make it your new norm. Aim high, push hard, and you'll reach new heights.
-->Complete the Monthly Challenge, which is:
-work through every task in the Diving into Sales unit - hopefully you've been working on this all month long
-add 1 new team member
Challenge starts now and email reports of complete must be sent by 11:59 EST on Saturday night, (date). Email reports to (email)
--Work through every task in the Sales Unit in the team page. This is found under the "units" tab, Unit 2, "Diving Into Sales". There are 14 separate tasks to mark as complete, most are just reading the info and learning or watching a training video. You have the entire month to complete the Sales Unit. Screenshot progress bar of completed Diving into Sales Unit and email it to me to report as complete.
--Add 1 new team member. Sometime during September, add at least one new personally sponsored team member. Email me your new teammate's name to report as complete.
Monthly Challenge criteria must be completed by (date)
I know for some of you some of these tasks may seem daunting. These are doable. You can do it! Push hard and find ways to accomplish each task. This is Survivor. You can Survive - and THRIVE - in your business!!