My Paparazzi Story
My Paparazzi Story - Mandy at Sugar Bee Bling
Independent Paparazzi Consultant #1738 - Interested in joining my team? Click here! Everyone has their own journey, their own ups and downs, on their path to awesomesness. I wanted to share a little of my Paparazzi story with you, but it's still being written - because we are reaching high for unthinkable dreams and they are coming true!!

I'm Mandy and I love Paparazzi Accessories! I have been a consultant since the end of July 2011, yes, that's a long time. But everyone's story is different! Whether you are new and earn high ranks right away, or it takes you a few years to gain your momentum, you have a story and a path. I am so grateful that Paparazzi has been a part of my life. Let me share a little of my Paparazzi Story with you. I have an Elite team, Sugar Bee Bling, and am so proud of the things my team has achieved.
The Paparazzi Beginning
I love being a wife and mom to 4 awesome kiddos. I love crafty things too and have a craft blog. A craft blog friend contacted me about Paparazzi - I had never even heard of it! It was out of the blue and I had never before given much thought to becoming a consultant for any home based sales company. I normally would have politely declined, but as I read her email, over and over, something about it pulled me in - it was that $5 pricepoint! I love a good deal and that sounded amazing! I couldn't stop thinking about it and after a couple of nights discussion with my husband, he pushed me into the decision to just give it a try. Even though it was scary and unknown and seemed like a TON of money at the time. We were already looking for additional streams of income for our family and this was a great way to add a stream. He also pointed out that there wasn't a risk - you were getting product for the kit, it wasn't like you were paying a fee that didn't come with anything. He actually signed me up so I could stop agonizing over the decision - I bought the kit, sight-unseen. That's right, I never saw the jewelry - it wasn't online yet, I wasn't located by anyone who sold it, yet I knew - this has potential and I want to be part of it.
Having never been to a party - and never even seeing the jewelry at all (I didn't even have sample pictures to look at - the company didn't have that listed on their website at the time), I was nervous but excited. When I opened the box filled with my order, I was FLOORED - I could not believe how cute and trendy everything was - it seemed surreal that it was all just $5. A sampling of what came in my kit - -

I hosted my own first party - also known as a "launch party" - and the response was amazing. No one could believe the amazing prices - I didn't have to do any "selling" at all - the jewelry and accessories sold themselves. I got several leads on others who would host parties for me. And it ballooned from there.
I was able to pay myself back for what I invested in my starter kit in just 2 1/2 parties. And that was with a big upfront investment. Paid off that quickly. Boom!
Team Sugar Bee Bling - Building My Paparazzi Team
A couple of months after I started, I was still pumped about Paparazzi and wanted to share it with everyone. That led me to start to build a team. I love selling it and I want others to see how awesome it is. If I was able to make money bringing an amazing jewelry deal to others, I knew other people could too! Think of how having some extra income could make a difference in your family's finances - I wanted that for others. One of those on my team stated "I can't believe this is so EASY! If it weren't, I wouldn't be doing it". I started to build a team, and I began to realize the power in having commissions from a downline in addition to party sales. It was a discovery of just another way that Paparazzi is amazing. I made hundreds of dollars with just my downline check - and then party sales were on top of that. This was real and I was excited to see things grow. Loved seeing that income right in the beginning.
The First of Big GOALS!
My first big goal for my business was to help our family buy a new-to-us van with cash. We had been saving up and continued to do so throughout the year. In addition to that savings, I saved all my earnings with Paparazzi and contributed, in addition to our family contribution, each month to our Van Fund. In the fall we were able to purchase a van much nicer than I had ever dreamed. It was awesome to see us hit that BIG Goal - of using extra streams of income to supplement our family's financial goal.
Downtime with Paparazzi
As time went on, life circumstances can change. We ended up taking on a HUGE project of building our own home ourselves (yes, grab a hammer and build a house) - it was a HUGE time commitment and so I inevitably stepped back from my Paparazzi business a little - I was still selling here and there, doing the occasional vendor event, etc, but definitely not working it to it's full potential. This is actually another reason that I love Paparazzi - YOU are the boss, YOU get to pick how to work your business. If you need to step back for a bit, it's okay. If you work really hard, it'll pay off. You pick! This downtime is a part of my story and that's okay - it gave me more motivation when I was ready to push back into my business.

Pursuing Elite
A few years ago, I was at the annual Paparazzi Convention, watching awesome ladies hit new ranks and feeling all that excitement. I told myself, "next year, I'll be walking that stage!!". I recommitted to my business and what I had to offer my customers - I started doing consistent Facebook Live sales parties, bringing them that cute $5 jewelry in a super convenient way, right there on facebook. My sales skyrocketed. My team grew. Their sales grew. We were all lifting each other and we became an Elite team that fall - it was SO EXCITING!! Goals being crushed! Years of dreaming of Elite coming to reality.

So you can see, dreams can happen in just a year's time! If you're just starting with Paparazzi, sky's the limit!
You know those big goals - the ones you're kind of afraid to say out loud? Goals that seem more like dreams? You guys - those are coming true for us, because of Paparazzi. Really. It started as a way to bring in a little extra income for our family. It's becoming a way to SUPPORT our family - yes, our Big Scary Goal is to be able to have a business that can support our family. Fully. To be able to have my husband and I work from home - so that if we want to take a 2 week vacation, we can. If we need to drop everything last minute and help family for several days, we can. So we can help friends during the day. So we can teach our kiddos to dream big and that they can work hard and really accomplish things. ALL of that has happened!!! My husband is stepping back from his day job so we can work this as FULL-TIME FAMILY BUSINESS. The flexibility that having our own business brings is something that we have dreamed about for years and years. I'm here to tell you, BIG DREAMS COME TRUE.

What will you make YOUR Story?
I love sharing the story of my success with Paparazzi! The opportunity to make money is immediate with this company - ANYONE can have success with Paparazzi Accessories. The friend that I signed under quit her job because she was making more with Paparazzi - and then her husband was able to quit as well - they work Paparazzi full time. I used to tell that amazing story - and now I can tell my own! MY husband stepped away from his corporate job over a year ago and has been working with me full-time. THIS is real and amazing! THIS is MY Paparazzi Story. If you would have told me a couple of years ago that I would be thriving with a home-based business, I would not have believed you. I am so glad I gave Paparazzi a chance!! What will you make YOUR Story? Will Paparazzi be a part of it?
My team is nationwide and part of the strongest line in Paparazzi - I would LOVE to have you on my team. If you would like to learn more about my team, check out the Sugar Bee BLING Team Info page. I am consultant #1768.
Paparazzi is changing lives - giving affordable confidence to women who are changing the world. Providing substantial income for women everyday.
Please click this link to see the average earnings for Paparazzi Consultants:
Please, feel free to ask me ANY questions you may have concerning Paparazzi Accessories - you can email me at { mandybeez at gmail }
Other areas of interest:
--all about My Team, Sugar Bee BLING
--more about Paparazzi and Why To Join
--main Paparazzi Accessories Website for more information.
Consultant ID #1768 - Join My Team